First Kiss
Sold out
24x36 oil on cradled panel
Many thanks to IG: @anonymousphotoproject for allowing me to use their photo as reference.
Later in the Evening
18x24 oil on cradled panel
Many thanks to @secretlifeofnell for allowing me to use their photo for reference.
Group Therapy
24x36 Oil on panel. Black Floater Frame.
This painting is currently (Sept 18th - Oct 24th 2021) being shown at The Teresa Haag Studio & Gallery 2nd Anniversary Show in Phoenixville, PA. Along with work from 6 other artists.
From original Instagram post:
I've never met 'em ... but I KNOW these ladies.
What I love about painting these vintage photos is that they show us we are all connected through the thread of the past. And we're part of something continuous. They remind us that life is fleeting, but we can seize moments and feelings to keep what's vital from being lost.
(The content of the above paragraph has been bastardized/paraphrased/stolen and repurposed from the movie ~ "The Dig")
Many thanks to @Houseofmirthphotos for allowing me to use her photo as a reference.
#vintagephoto #vintage #vintagesyle #vintagefashion #oldphotos #foundphotos
#oilpainting #originalartforsale #art #womenartists
Fragile Like a Bomb
20x16 Oil on Canvas. Black Floater Frame.
From original Instagram post:
I almost called this one “No, She Will NOT Make You a Sandwich”, but my husband didn’t know what I was talking about. Which I guess is a good thing, since the phrase, “shut up and make me a sandwich” is something misogynist trolls say on the Internet, when a woman has an opinion.
The title “Fragile Like a Bomb” comes from the phrase: “Not fragile like a flower, fragile like a bomb.” By Frida Kahlo. At least, I think this was a Kahlo quote. I asked, but Google wasn't quite sure. It might have been RBG. I was unable to confirm because Google sent me down a rabbit hole of "strong women" memes, which I have lots of opinions about. Now, I can’t finish writing my thoughts about this painting, because I have to go pick a fight with a misogynist troll on twitter. Thanks a lot, Google.
The original image is a “found photo” in the collection of @houseofmirthphoto on Instagram. Many thanks to them for allowing me to paint their photo. The original was in black and white (which I love), but I decided to give this colorful lady some color.
24 Years B.C. (Before Cellphones)
Sold out
20x16 Oil on Canvas. Black Floater Frame.
This painting is currently (Sept 18th - Oct 24th 2021) being shown at The Teresa Haag Studio & Gallery 2nd Anniversary Show in Phoenixville, PA. Along with work from 6 other artists.
From original Instagram post:
Title: 24 Years B.C. (Before Cellphones)
16x20 oil on canvas
That's right kids, before phones could send texts, take pictures, and play YouTube videos, we used them to talk to other people. And in my mom’s case, for hours at a time … can you even imagine? We had a phone on the wall in the kitchen with a super long chord so she could reach the sink and stove while still talking to her friend. I’m surprised her head wasn’t permanently stuck in a crooked position, for all the time she spent holding the phone to her ear.
When I was growing up, we didn’t even have an “answering machine”. So, if you couldn’t get a hold of someone, you’d have to call them *again*. I know. It was horrifying. Possibly the worst thing about this time was having only ONE phone number for our ENTIRE family. Truly, no idea how we all survived.
The original image is a “found photo” in the collection of @houseofmirthphoto on Instagram. Many thanks to them for allowing me to paint their photo.
#oilpainting #painting #womenartists #vintagephoto #vernacularphotography
Heading Into the Weekend Like ...
20x16 Oil on Cradled Panel
The original image is a “found photo” in the collection of @anonymousphotoproject on Instagram. Many thanks to them for allowing me to paint their photo.
Lucy & the Chocolate Factory
10x10 Oil on board. Black floater frame.
This painting is currently (Sept 18th - Oct 24th 2021) being shown at The Teresa Haag Studio & Gallery 2nd Anniversary Show in Phoenixville, PA. Along with work from 6 other artists.
From original Instagram Post:
Lucy. Day 1 on the Job. Killing it.
(Reminds me of how I have to stop chewing and pretend I'm not eating anything when my dog walks in the kitchen.)
Game Night
6x6 oil on panel, black floater frame
Many thanks to @secretlifeofnell on Instagram for allowing me to use their photo as a reference.
Mary Tyler Moore Retro Panel
approx 12x7 retro panel
Oil on @trekell_art_supplies retro panel.
Live Long, and Prosper
Approx 12.5" x 6.25" rocket panel
Oil on Trekell Rocket Panel
from my instagram post:
Another fun panel by @trekell_art_supplies
Not to take anything away from Zachary Quinto, but Leonard Nimoy will always be my favorite Spock.
In addition to Star Trek, we also watched his TV show "In search of ..." as kids. The Sasquatch episode in particular, terrified my little brother. He wouldn't sleep alone in his own room after watching it. He had to bunk with our older brother. Hahahahaaaa!
Oh, and did you know Mr. Nimoy was also a photographer? Check out his "Full Body Project" (photos of women from the burlesque group the 'Fat Bottom Revue"). They are stunning. Could I possibly be a bigger fan of the man? I think not.
RIP Mr. Nimoy
Bewitched (retro panel)
approx 12x7 retro panel
Oil on @trekell_art_supplies retro panel.
from my instagram post:
From the tv show "Bewitched" (1964 to 1972)
Massive plot flaw: While I can suspend my disbelief that witches are real and that sometimes their husbands are replaced by completely different actors, it's impossible to believe a man married to a witch asked her NOT to perform magic. I mean ... come on!
Side note: Paul Lynde was hilarious as Uncle Arthur. He was also my favorite celebrity on "Hollywood Squares". Thanks for the laughs, and RIP Mr. Lynde.
Mutton Chops
24x36 oil on panel
from my instagram post:
Sure, you can laugh now, but those mutton chops would have been smokin' hawt in Victorian England.
Who wore it best:
Martin Van Buren
Elvis Presley
Or this guy
I'm going with this guy.
My thanks to @houseofmirthphotos for allowing me to use their found photo as reference. House of Mirth Photos is a buyer and seller of vintage snapshots and photo albums for over 20 years. Follow them on Instagram, check out their website or visit their gallery in Easthampton, Mass.
A Day at the Museum
36x36 oil on canvas. Black frame.
from my instagram post:
When I first saw this reference photo, it reminded me of my dad, taking me and my brothers to museums when we were little. Mom generally didn't go. (Probably for reasons of sanity.)
I remember the first time we went to the Franklin Institute. It has a giant beating heart that you can walk thru. I learned so much from that exhibit! For example, I learned that I'm terrified of giant beating hearts!
(Google it. It's ghastly.)
The giant beating heart also acts as an experiment: It can tell you whether or not you have claustrophobia. Turns out, I do. Though whether or not I already had claustrophobia, or developed it by being inside an enclosed space with the theme song from Jaws playing loudly through speakers, science will never know. (Chicken/egg.)
I just wanted to enjoy a day at a museum without having a panic attack and being forced to face my own mortality ... was that too much to ask?
At the end of the day, my dad allowed me and my two brothers to each buy one thing from the gift shop. This, in turn, allowed the Franklin Institute to buy a whole new wing of exhibits.
Many thanks to @negative_recovery_project for allowing me to use their photo as a reference! 🙏💙
Gulls Just Wanna Have Fun
Gulls Just Wanna Have Fun
18x18 oil on cradled panel
from my instagram post:
Gulls are like that one guest you immediately regret inviting. The kind of parasitic turd wrangler that asks if it's okay if they bring someone to your private party, then shows up with fifty of their "closest friends".
... who they just met at a club
.... that they got kicked out of
.... at 1 am.
You know ... THAT kind of asshole.
In fact, maybe i should call this painting "Fuck Around, Find Out"? An Instagram poll may be in order.
Many thanks to @houseofmirthphotos for allowing me to use their photo as a reference!
Grandma's Got A Cute Poolboy
10x10 oil on cradled panel
from my instagram post:
(And don't think I don't know what your first thought was when you read that title. You need to stop it, right now. This is a family show.)
Many thanks to @secretlifeofnell for allowing me to use their photo as a reference!
Hello, 911? My Brothers Stole My Doll and They Won't Give Her Back
16x20 Oil on Panel. Black Floater Frame.
From my instagram post:
Hello, 911? My Brothers Stole My Doll and They Won't Give Her Back
16x20 oil on cradled panel
I know! It's a long title! I'm really bad at this, you guys.
Please submit better titles in comments. Winner gets ... um ... to name this painting. 😁 And also, my everlasting gratitude. 🙏
Many thanks to @secretlifeofnell for allowing me to use their photo as a reference!
When Men Are Left Unsupervised
16x20 Oil on Panel. Black Floater Frame.
Many thanks to @secretlifeofnell for allowing me to use their photo as a reference!
The Gift
Sold out
20x16 Oil on Panel. Black Floater Frame.
Many thanks to @anonymousphotoproject for allowing me to use their photo as a reference!
Tea for Two
24x36 oil on panel
My mom loved tea. She was from the UK, and if there's one thing British people love more than a pint ... it's a nice cup of ... well ... there's really nothing they love more than a pint. But if you took away ALL their beer ... there'd be nothing they love more than a ... well, probably a dram of whiskey. Okay, so take away all their alcohol, and their favorite drink would definitely be tea.
They especially enjoy their tea with biscuits. Oddly, their biscuits look and taste almost exactly like what we call cookies.
And you'd be forgiven for thinking the British secretly enjoy confusing Americans. It's like when they call diapers "nappies" when they have little, if anything to do with napping. Or when they call erasers "rubbers" when they ... oh wait. Okay, I see it now ...
They also have a thing called a scone. Scones are just like biscuits, if you prefer your biscuits to be hard and crumbly as opposed to soft and flakey. But once covered in enough jam and clotted cream, you can't even tell they taste like disappointment. (Britain has a well earned reputation for it's bland cuisine and their scones are definitely on brand.)
Many thanks to @anonymousphotoproject for allowing me to use their photo as a reference. "The Anonymous Project is dedicated to collecting and preserving mid-century colour slides from around the world. Started in 2017 by filmmaker Lee Shulman, the project brings to light Kodachrome memories of found amateur photographs, taken from the 1950s through to the 1980s."
#vintagephoto #vernacularphotography #oilpainting #originaloilpainting #tea #retro #foundphoto
Making Her Own Damn Crown
20x16 Oil on Canvas. Black Floater Frame.
From my original instagram post:
"Making Her Own Damn Crown"
16x20 Oil on Panel
Reference photo from the Library of Congress:
"About this Item
Title: Training. Work Projects Administration (WPA) vocational school. This young lady is training to work on the assembly line of one of our great war plants. In preparation for this task, she devotes six nights a week to a WPA vocational training school where experienced instructors show her the technique of modern welding
Contributor Names: Liberman, Howard, photographer
United States. Office of War Information."
Surely, Rum was Involved
10x10 oil on panel
Surely, rum was involved.
The original photo was black and white, but she looked like she needed some color. :)
Many thanks to @houseofmirthphotos for allowing me to use their photo as a reference
Catch of the Day
6x6 Oil on panel, black floater frame.
How does that saying go again ... Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll spend all his money on bait, boats, and beer.
(I’m paraphrasing).
Many thanks to @negative_recovery_project for allowing me to use their photo as a reference!
#25daysofminis #25daysofminis2022 #oilpainting #originalpainting #art #supportlocalartists #vintagephoto #foundphoto #kodachrome #vernacularphotography #fishing #fisherman
Damn Their Delicious Cookies!
6x6 oil on panel, black floater frame
I was in the Brownies, but I absolutely hated having to wear the dress. I still hate wearing dresses. I can’t support an organization that forces every girl to wear a dress! What is this, the Taliban?
I also hated all their cheery optimism. (I don’t do cheery … or optimism).
By the time I was old enough to join the Girl Scouts, I was like, “They can take their stupid badges and merry campfire songs and shove them in their cookie-eating pie-holes.”
Oh, except that I do love their cookies. Like Michael Corleone in The God Father: “Just when you think you’re out, they draw you back in with their caramel delights!” Or that’s what he would have said if he was the reluctant leader of a cookie crime syndicate run by a bunch of annoying pre-teen girls.
Many thanks to @anonymousphotoproject for allowing me to use their photo as a reference!
#25daysofminis #25daysofminis2022 #oilpainting #originalpainting #art #supportlocalartists #vintagephoto #foundphoto #kodachrome #vernacularphotography #GirlScouts #GirlScoutCookies
The Getaway
6x6 Oil on Panel, Black Floater Frame
In my head, I imagine this lady is in the process of backing up over that a-hole who said women can’t drive.
Many thanks to @secretlifeofnell for allowing me to use their photo as a reference!
#25daysofminis #25daysofminis2022 #oilpainting #originalpainting #art #supportlocalartists #vintagephoto #foundphoto #vernacularphotography
Sister Toss
Sister Toss 24x36 oil on panel.
Many thanks to @anonymousphotoproject for allowing me to use their photo as a reference. "The Anonymous Project is dedicated to collecting and preserving mid-century colour slides from around the world. Started in 2017 by filmmaker Lee Shulman, the project brings to light Kodachrome memories of found amateur photographs, taken from the 1950s through to the 1980s."
Cheeky Granny
20x16 Oil on cradled board.
Many thanks to @anonymousphotoproject for allowing me to use their photo as a reference. "The Anonymous Project is dedicated to collecting and preserving mid-century colour slides from around the world. Started in 2017 by filmmaker Lee Shulman, the project brings to light Kodachrome memories of found amateur photographs, taken from the 1950s through to the 1980s."
Plenty of Room on the Raft, Rose
24x36 Oil on cradled panel
From my Instagram Post:
I think I'm going to call this one:
"Plenty of room on the raft, Rose."
The title is a nod to that controversial scene in The Titanic, where Jack freezes to death in icy water after helping Rose onto a raft (floating door).
Shockingly ... ie not shocking at all ... the internet had some opinions.
This ongoing debate has split the internet in two:
1) Those who believe there was room on the door.
2) James Cameron.
Many thanks to @anonymousphotoproject for allowing me to use their photo for reference.
#vernacularphotography #vintage #vintagephoto #oilpainting #beachlife
Before Spray Tans
24x36 oil on cradled panel
I vaguely remember having lounge chairs like this when I was a kid, and this image reminded me of sitting in the back yard, as a teenager, with high hopes of getting a beautiful bronze tan.
The only problem was, instead of inheriting the olive skin of my dad's Italian ancestors, I inherited my skin color from my mom. She was from Scotland. The land of pale blue people ... so my skin only has two settings:
(a) Silas, the albino from "The Davinci Code"
(b) Hellboy
Many thanks to @secretlifeofnell on Instagram for allowing me to use her photo as reference.
#oilpainting #artshow #shoplocal
Vacationing is Hard
Sold out
24x36 Oil on cradled panel
This image reminded me of a trip to Scotland with my husband, to visit my family. To get there, we flew from Philly to New York, from New York to London, then from London to Glasgow.
We were saving money. :-/
I was exhausted when we finally got to our destination, but my Uncle thought it would be a good idea to take us to a pub for a pint and a wee dram.
It was not a good idea. Whiskey, amirite?
TIP: Never get in a cab with a Scotsman to a second location.
It's gonna be another pub. There's always another pub.
Also, if you ever find yourself hungover in Scotland and you've been served a traditional breakfast ... don't eat the black pudding. Don't look at the black pudding. Don't smell the black pudding. And for gawd's sake, don't ask what's IN the black pudding. All you need to know about black pudding is:
Many thanks to @anonymousphotoproject on Instagram for allowing me to paint their photo.
#oilpainting #shoplocal #buyart
Swim Caps
Sold out
24x36 Oil on cradled panel
Swim caps. For when you want to go swimming, but you just got your hair did.
Many thanks to @anonymousphotoproject on Instagram for allowing me to use their photo as a reference.
Always Be Closing
6x6 Oil on Panel, black floater frame
Always be closing was a line from the movie Glengarry Glen Ross and it reminded me of our neighbor across the street, who was in sales. I don’t know who he worked for, but he always seemed to have a deal on whatever it was you needed. Looking for a new pair of Adidas sneakers? He could get ‘em half off. They had four stripes, instead of the usual three, but according to my mom, no one at school would even notice and they’d look great with my Gloria Vanderbolt jeans.
Many thanks to @negative_recovery_project for allowing me to use their photo as a reference!
#25daysofminis #25daysofminis2022 #oilpainting #Salesman #originalpainting #art #supportlocalartists #vintagephoto #foundphoto #vernacularphotography #HappyHolidays #UsedCarSalesman #UsedCarSales #blackandwhitephotography
Learning to Ride
6x6 oil on panel, black floater frame
Not only did my dad teach me to ride a bike … he also taught me how to ride a motorcycle. Which is weird, because, if you knew my dad, you’d know he’s not a big risk taker. I don’t think he’d ever go sky diving, or bungee jumping or wait until April 15th to mail in his tax return.
I’m a lot like my dad.
Many thanks to @negative_recovery_project for allowing me to use their found photo as reference!
#originalart #25daysofminis #25daysofminis2022 #oilpainting #originalpainting #art #supportlocalartists #vintagephoto #foundphoto #vernacularphotography #RideaBike
British Baby Formula
6x6 Oil on panel, black floater frame
Can you even believe this image? It’s a mom letting her baby drink Guinness from a pint glass! Appalling.
Always use sippy cups or the little boozers will spill Guinness everywhere. A waste of good beer.
Someone call social services.
Pro tip: If you need someone to hold the glass while you drink, you may have had one too many.
Many thanks to @anonymousphotoproject for allowing me to use their found photo as reference!
#vintagebritain #originalart #25daysofminis #25daysofminis2022 #oilpainting #originalpainting #art #supportlocalartists #vintagephoto #foundphoto #vernacularphotography #HappyHolidays #britain
After a Hard Day at Play
Sold out
24x36 oil on panel
From my Instagram Post:
This image couldn't possibly be more 70s ... From the colors in her bathing suit, to the manual crank window.
The 70s were a nihilistic time ... when ashtrays were in every arm rest and seatbelts were optional.
I love this image so much. Partly because, other than the straight hair, it reminded me of me. To say i love dogs would be the understatement of the century. It makes all the other understatements embarrassed about calling themselves understatements. It's like saying the surface of the sun is a bit balmy, or Antarctica is a little chilly.
I love dogs more than Sir Mix-a-lot likes big butts. Seriously, nobody loves dogs more than me, just as nobody loves acorns more than that squirrel in the movie Ice Age. It's just a fact.
My first dog's name was Pierre ... which, at the time, i thought was a very clever name for a white toy poodle, but it makes for an awful stripper name, (mine's Pierre Burmont). And if you don't already know what your stripper name is (hi Dad!) ... it's the name of your first pet and the street you grew up on. What's your stripper name?
Many thanks to @dear.fran for allowing me to use her photo as a reference. If you love vintage photos ... Go follow her account.
#oilpainting #vintagephoto #retrophoto #retro #vernacularphotography #foundphoto
Many thanks to @anonymousphotoproject for allowing me to use their photo as a reference. "The Anonymous Project is dedicated to collecting and preserving mid-century colour slides from around the world. Started in 2017 by filmmaker Lee Shulman, the project brings to light Kodachrome memories of found amateur photographs, taken from the 1950s through to the 1980s."
Lily Tomlin
10x10 oil on panel, black floater frame
Things I wished I could be when I grew up: A private eye, an MI6 agent, a Jedi, and Lily Tomlin.
Lily Tomlin as Frankie (in “Grace and Frankie”) is the best Lily Tomlin.
That is all
Day 9 of 25 paintings in December 2021
#LilyTomlin #Frankie&Grace #FrankieAndGrace #GraceAndFrankie #Grace&Frankie