- 25Days2023
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- How We Read Before iPads
How We Read Before iPads
6x6 oil on panel, black floater frame
When I was growing up, if we wanted to read a book, all we needed was, and you’re never going to guess this: A book! We didn’t need a kindle, or a tablet, or an iPad or have to worry about carrying a charging block and cables. A simple book would suffice.
The best thing about reading actual books was that they didn’t have the internet. So when you picked one up, there were no interruptions or distractions … you just read your damn book, and you enjoyed it. You didn’t go wandering off to Facebook or start down a YouTube wormhole of watching unlikely animal friendship videos.
Alright, I’ll come clean. I love reading eBooks on my tablet. But also, to my fellow book lovers, (who I’m sure can relate) here are some questions I’ve been asking myself:
Why do you have more books than you could ever read in your lifetime? You have so many books.
I’m starting to think that buying books is a completely separate hobby from actually reading books.
But also, has anyone got any good book recommendations?
Many thanks to IG: @anonymousphotoproject for allowing me to use their photo as a reference!